‘One heart at a time, consciousness expands and Humankind takes a quantum leap into the unknown as they discover how to go beyond seduction, limitation, the sick and ageing body and the death trigger. They enjoy living and creating as DivineHumanBeings in a time-less space of freedom and a beautiful field of potential where they experience rejuvenation, abundance and an infinite flow of pure love and joy’.
‘My story is a magnificent LOVE story between my Divine and Human selves… who find each other after many years apart and become ONE. It is a unique and magical journey that begins with my question who am I and what is life all about. The more I explore the more aware I become and my mind grows quiet, this allows me to perceive nine Elemental Beings who come to remind me of my core truths and take me from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom.
In this loving space IAM able to observe and feel the natural integration of my Divine and Human selves, coming together as a Loving and Magnificent Master Creator who chooses, expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond… far beyond imagination, words and everything that is known up until now.’
‘Allow my DivineHuman story to resonate with your heart and soul, and transcend you beyond religion, science and spirituality into the depths of your own Magnificent Consciousness; the timeless and sacred space of infinite potential.’